Nov 6, 2006

The Devil In Amber

I received my copy of The Devil In Amber from the other day, a few days ahead of its scheduled Nov. 6 release date. Unfortunately, there’s no way I’ll have a chance to read it any time soon (with the second Moneypenny Diaries sitting next in my queue already) but I should at least have a review up well before the book hits American shelves in January!

The Devil In Amber is the second Lucifer Box adventure, a follow-up to Gatiss’s highly entertaining Vesuvius Club. It takes place some twenty years after that book, and again the book’s design and illustrations reflect the period. This time the endpapers are filled with blurbs for other (fake) books from the same publisher with titles like Dead Man's Sock and The Mauve Teapot by authors like Emelia Roundfoot and Carter Dick-Johnson, each with a hilarious description. It runs 248 pages, a little longer than The Vesuvius Club.

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