Dec 1, 2006

UK Spy DVD Release Dates

Network's Region 2 Return of the Saint DVDs I mentioned earlier are due out January 29, 2007 in England. Network will also release the third season of The Sandbaggers on January 15, the Julie Andrews spy movie The Tamarind Seed on March 12, and the complete series of Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased) on March 26.


  1. Wish those were coming out in the U.S... A&E probably won't finsh the second half of Randall & Hopkirk (Deceased) (Original series) nor The Champions. ***sigh***

  2. I feel your pain. I REALLY want to see the rest of The Champions especially, but it's a little painful to shell out $100 even for a set as great as Network's new Region 2 one if you've already got half the episodes! (And with nifty artwork, too.)
