Apr 30, 2007


Today the Double O Section is six months old!

As evidenced by all the news items and reviews so far, it’s been a good six months for spies in film and fiction. In the past half-year we’ve seen a new James Bond movie come out in theaters and (after setting all sorts of box office records) on DVD. We’ve seen a new wave of classic Bond DVDs, and–possibly riding on their coattails–a whole slew of other spy DVDs, including a few long overdue TV shows and some obscure Eurospy treasures I never expected to see the light of day. In that same short time span we’ve also, amazingly, seen the release (in England, anyway) of two new James Bond novels, both quite excellent. With two oddball series whose initial announcements set a lot of fans groaning, Ian Fleming Publications has actually managed to bring 007's literary adventures to new highs going into 2008's centenary of Fleming’s birth, for which several exciting new books are planned.

Even without a Bond movie to anchor them, the six months ahead are also looking pretty good for spying with Jason Bourne storming theaters once more and some of the theatrical spy movies of the past six months heading to DVD, along with more classics from the vault, starting with tomorrow’s U.S. release of Jason King. I look forward to continuing this blog for a long time to come.

To celebrate the six month milestone, I’ve added tags to all the old posts to make the archive more easily searchable. And, more excitingly, I’m also going to run the Double O Section’s first contest! The prizes will be two of the best spy DVD releases of the past six months, Dark Sky’s Assassination In Rome/Espionage In Tangiers double feature and CBS/Paramount’s The Wild Wild West Season Two. Watch for details on how to win in the next few days...


  1. Brilliant little blog you have here.
    I was looking for info on the "Assassination in Rome/Espionage in Tangiers" DVD that arrived from Amazon today & found your site.
    Nice one. Definitely bookmarked.

    let me continue reading...

  2. Thanks for the compliment, idiotproof67. I hope you have continued reading! How did you like Assassination In Rome/Espionage In Tangiers?
