May 25, 2007

The Bourne Conclusion?

Matt Damon has said The Bourne Ultimatum will be his final Bourne movie. According to Variety, he told a press conference in Cannes, "We have ridden that horse as far as we can," when asked about the prospects for a fourth Bourne. He went on to say that he felt like "a bit of a prostitute for putting out two number threes in one year" (referring to Ocean's 13, whose out-of-competition screening was the occasion for the conference). So maybe he's just fed up with sequels right now, but will change his mind in a few years when presented with a decent script and suitcase full of cash? After all, Sean Connery hemmed and hawed about doing another Bond film all the way back in 1966...

Robert Ludlum only wrote the three Bourne novels, but since the filmmakers have totally eschewed his plots anyway, that shouldn't really stop them from continuing the series. Eric Van Lustbader wrote a poorly-received continuation novel a few years ago entitled The Bourne Legacy (which would make a fine movie title if they continue to generate their own plotlines), and has another one due next month called The Bourne Betrayal. Publishers Weekly says: "Lustbader is less successful than Ludlum in dramatizing Bourne's inner torment—a feature that distinguished the character from many similar thriller heroes." For those still curious, though, the book is due June 5 for a list price of $25.99.

And even if Matt Damon doesn't want to spy anymore, that's not stopping his Bourne Supremacy co-star, Karl Urban (Eomer in The Lord of the Rings). Urban has signed on to play the lead in John McTiernan's next action movie, Run. Urban will play an Interpol agent in a movie whose script, Variety says, "reportedly has 100 pages of car chases." Wow! That's, um... a lot of chasing. With Clive Owen playing an Interpol agent for Tom Tykwer in The International, Interpol seems to be the new NSA. That is to say, the new agency all movie spies work for as an alternative to the increasingly less popular CIA.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. If the quality of the script, etc. are up to par, then I would love to see a 4th Bourne film. I've enjoyed the first two and can't wait for "The Bourne Ultimatum." Matt Damon is one of my favorite actors in their 30's. I enjoy the hand-to-handing fight style Bourne uses, etc. Also it will be interesting to see Karl Urban and Clive Owen, both who have been in Bourne films, take their own turns as spies. I remember hearing all the people who wanted Clive Owen as Bond instead of Daniel Craig. I'm glad Craig was cast as Bond. He did an outstanding job. You've got a great blog here. I found out about it from Cinebeats.

  3. Welcome, Rogue Spy 007, and thanks for checking out the Double O Section! I'd also love to see another Bourne, so I do hope Damon can be talked into it. (If Universal is REALLY committed to the idea and he isn't, I suppose they could always try to go the 007 route and recast the part, but I'd rather see more of Damon at this point.)

    I was one of those people who wanted Clive Owen as Bond, and I still think it's one of the series biggest missed "might have beens," like another two Daltons in '91 and '93. But Craig was so good that he put all thoughts of Owen out of my mind watching it. He's the Bond now (dawg, as Connery might say), and I think the character's in good hands. I'd still like to see Owen in a spy role though, so I'm looking forward to the Tykwer movie.

  4. Your welcome. This is a great blog. I'm glad I found out about it from Cinebeats. I do hope that there will be a fourth Bourne film. Here's hoping that they are able to convince Matt Damon into re-signing for another one. I guess if the studio wants to do another one, but he doesn't, then they can always recast the role. I would prefer too that he stay with the role. He's done such a great job with it.

    I wouldn't have minded Clive Owen as Bond. I was never in one of those camps where I didn't see this person as Bond and was going to protest if they got cast. I have enjoyed Owen in everything I've seen him in, from "Gosford Park" to "Closer" to "Bourne Identity." I wouldn't have complained if he had been cast as 007. When I first started hearing Daniel Craig's name, I really didn't know who he was. Then I started seeing a bunch of his movies. I think his performance in "Layer Cake" made me convinced that he would be an interesting choice for 007. He's definitely different in looks than the other Bonds, and I felt he would take the franchise in a fascinating direction. It was either going to be a rousing success or a horrible bomb. I'm happy that he did so well. I can't wait to see his next Bond flicks. I would have loved to have seen Dalton do a couple of more Bond films. He was one of my favorite Bonds. I wouldn't have minded if he had done the last couple of Roger Moore's. I am eager to see Owen as a spy. I guess that's the closest thing to seeing him as Bond.
