Oct 24, 2009

Upcoming Spy DVDs: Callan: Set 2

TVShowsOnDVD reports that Acorn has announced Callan: Set 2 for release on January 26, 2010. Fantastic! This entire series is long overdue on U.S. DVD, and I'm very pleased that Acorn is following up this past summer's release of the absolutely incredible Callan: Set 1 (review here). Of course, Set 1 was, in fact, the show's third season–the first in color. Set 2, therefore, will be the actual fourth–and final–season. (If sales merit it, Acorn hopes to go back and release the surviving episodes of the two prior black and white seasons.) But the news keeps getting better! Unlike Set 1, Callan: Set 2 will include extras! Specifically, it includes two audio commentaries by star Edward Woodward, on "If He Can, So Could I" and "The Richmond File: Call Me Enemy!" Apparently, however, it will not include the 1974 Callan theatrical movie, which was included on the Region 4 release of this season several years ago. (The commentaries may come from that release.) Oh well. Maybe the movie will come out on its own. Retail will be $59.99 for the four-disc set of thirteen episodes.

1 comment:

  1. I wish they would've used another photo on the cover instead of the same one they used for the previous release. It's like Shout Factory and Ironside,
