Aug 7, 2010

Network Offers Summer Sale This Weekend Only

UK DVD company Network is taking a brief break from churning out a steady stream of new spy DVDs this weekend to offer a significant sale on all these titles.  This weekend only (through midnight Sunday, UK time), the company is offering 35% off of all their DVDs and soundtrack sets.  That's 35% on top of their already normally discounted prices.  The catch for American buyers with all-region DVD players is that when your order reaches a certain weight, you get saddled with one of those untenable £40 shipping fees.  The good news, however, is that there are no minimums, so you don't need to reach that kind of weight (as one sale last winter required).  In fact, I was able to load two multi-disc sets into my order without triggering the fee, so it seems easy enough to avoid.  So no matter where you live, take advantage of this great deal to pick up on of Network's recent spy DVDs or soundtrack CD sets, like Codename: KyrilThe Corridor People, The 4 Just Men, Saracen, The Sentimental AgentThe Saint: Original Soundtrack or The Zoo Gang: Original Soundtrack.  Or any of the many older spy sets the company has offered. They're all well worth it!  Head on over to Network's website to start saving... and spending.

1 comment:

  1. Steve L7:34 AM

    One little tip (that I used in January) to avoid the surcharge: split your order.
    Orders under (and maybe including, I'm not positive) one kilogram to the USA cost £7.85 to ship.
    So, you can have 5 single orders under 1 kilogram shipped for less than one single order over 1 kilogram.
    Hopefully, Network will not decide to start limiting orders to one per customer for the next sale (they might have already for this one - I can't be sure as I only placed one order this time - but if they did I didn't see it mentioned on their website)!
