Oct 30, 2010

The Double O Section Is Four Years Old Today

I can't believe I've been doing this for four years.  That's like college!  It's a long time.  And I think 4 might equal 80 or so in Blog Years.  So it seems appropriate to celebrate–and possibly even to celebrate all week long.  To do so, and to thank all the readers who continue to peruse the Double O Section in record numbers, I'll be running a number of contests throughout the week.  Some of them will run for the whole week, as usual, and others will have shorter durations. There might even be some lightning prizes of the "first person to email me" variety rather than the regular random selection.  So check back frequently for the best opportunity to win some really cool books, DVDs and Blu-rays featuring your favorite superspies like James Bond, Jim Phelps and Hubert Bonisseur de la Bath, among others!  I'll be interspersing these contests amidst reposts of some of my favorite posts from the past four years that more recent readers might have missed (mostly reviews and not news, as the latter has a tendency to date rather quickly) and, if all goes according to plan, lots of new content as well.  It's going to be a good week on the Double O Section!  Just like it's been a good four years.  Thanks for reading.  Be seeing you!


  1. Happy blogaversary !!!

  2. congrats! -jace (spy vibe)

  3. George1:59 PM

    Congrats! I only recently discovered your blog, but ever since I did I'm following it daily.

  4. Congratulations!! Still the only blog I check out every single day. Here's a martini to 4 more years just as great as the first four have been!!

  5. Anonymous4:17 PM

    ...And many more! I've enjoyed it immensly! ;)

  6. Bob Griffith4:19 PM

    A great job! Informative and entertaining...Thanks for the great ride!

  7. Thanks, guys! It's great to hear from old and new readers alike. And Steve, I consider that a real honor! Thanks.

  8. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Keep up the good work Tanner, you have by far the best blog for fans of espionage fiction, films and television.
