Nov 1, 2010

Timothy Dalton Interview In EW

Entertainment Weekly's Popwatch blog has an interview with Timothy Dalton in honor of his debut as a recurring character on tonight's Chuck. I definitely recommend checking it out.  Dalton opens up more about his tenure as Bond–and specifically about comparisons between his gritty, character-driven take on playing the superspy and Daniel Craig's–than I've seen him do in the past.  He also talks about his Chuck role as cardigan-wearing MI6 paper pusher Gregory Tuttle (who may prove to be more than meets the eye) and his upcoming part in The Tourist as a policeman.  That's the first I've heard about the nature of his role in the Johnny Depp/Angelina Jolie thriller. Unsurprisingly, he reveals that it was admiration for director Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck that led him to take the job!  The EW interviewer, Christian Blauvelt, seems to be a Bond geek after my own heart, barely containing his inner fanboy as he reminds Dalton how The Living Daylights begins, reciting the yacht girl's line about wanting to meet a "real man."  It's very funy–and informative.  Check it out
(Via CBn Forums)

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