Aug 18, 2011

Upcoming Spy DVDs: Mrs. PollifaxSpy

The 1971 spy caper Mrs. PollifaxSpy, is coming to DVD at long last through MGM's MOD program, the MGM Limited Edition Collection. The film, based on Dorothy Gilman's Miss Marple-meets-James Bond books, stars Rosalind Russell as a bored widow who convinces the CIA to take her on as a secret agent. She quickly gets more excitement than she anticipated and winds up in an Albanian prison, but no Commie jail can hold this irrepressible senior citizen! Darren McGavin plays the seasoned spy who ends up working as her partner. The made-to-order DVD-R will retail for $19.95, though it can currently be pre-ordered from Amazon for just $13.99. Cover art isn't yet available, but I really hope they use that poster artwork! Like many of the titles materializing in the MGM Limited Edition Collection, Mrs. Pollifax—Spy is also available streaming on Netflix. (For now, anyway.)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:45 PM

    How exciting! Now if only someone would release the unexpected Mrs. Polifax! (Made for TV around the year 2000)
