Jul 16, 2012

First Look At Q in Skyfall

Last week Entertainment Weekly brought us this first glimpse of Ben Wishaw (Perfume, The Hour, I'm Not There) as gadget master Q in the 23rd James Bond film, Skyfall. I'm intrigued! He may be the first Q to be younger than 007, but I think Wishaw seems to convey the sort of seriousness of a man who never jokes about his work in this still. I'm thrilled that one of my favorite supporting characters is officially back in the Bond movies, and I look forward to seeing what this talented actor brings to the role. Now how about Moneypenny...?


  1. Q looks like he could pass for a Doctor Who!

  2. I'm a traditionalist....so my only comment is.....

    Oh dear.

  3. Anonymous10:32 AM

    What a nerd!
