Apr 4, 2008

The Nude Bomb Drops On DVD

Following hot on the heels of Sony's recent announcement of the Nineties revival series of Get Smart on DVD, Universal completes the Smart saga by announcing the single, elusive title that had remained unavailable: on June 17, they'll release the 1980 theatrical feature The Nude Bomb starring Don Adams as Maxwell Smart. DVDActive has the details. The Nude Bomb (which didn't feature any other cast members besides Adams) has a pretty poor reputation among Smart fans, but completists will no doubt still be pleased to have it at long last.

The new film may not live up to the promise of its cast or trailers (it doesn't), but at least its existence has resulted in a complete library of classic Get Smart on DVD! That would be comprised of TimeLife's comprehensive complete series box set, The Nude Bomb, Get Smart Again and the Nineties Get Smart. That means that three separate studios will be releasing Get Smart DVDs to cash in on the new Steve Carrell film's opening: Sony with the revival, Universal with The Nude Bomb, and Warner Bros. with the direct-to-DVD sequel/companion movie Get Smarter: Bruce and Lloyd Out of CONTROL.

1 comment:

  1. I'm kind of embarrassed to admit this, but I have a soft spot in my Don Adams' lovin' heart for THE NUDE BOMB. Oh, it's indisputably terrible, but I like it better than the Andy Dick revival. The best re-visit was GET SMART AGAIN, which was at least written by veterans of the original series and brought back many old cast members. Would have benefitted from a bigger budget, but it's nostalgic fun.

    Shame that the new film isn't sounding better...
