Jan 26, 2011

PBS Documentary Explores I Spy, Mission: Impossible

Next week a PBS documentary series called Pioneers of Television will focus on "Crime Dramas..." and evidently, they consider spy shows crime dramas.  (That's too bad; they could have easily devoted an entire episode to Sixties spy series and expanded the focus to cover The Man From U.N.C.L.E., The Wild Wild West and others.  Oh well.)  According to the show's website, I Spy and Mission: Impossible will be among the series covered in "Crime Dramas," as well as legitimate crime dramas MannixDragnet and Police Woman.  The official airdate for this episode is Tuesday, February 1 at 8/7c, but since local PBS schedules fluctuate, it's probably best to check your local listings


Philip Marlowe said...

The westerns episode aired last night, and apparently Culp and Conrad were interviewed; I've yet to see it, though.

Bill Weinberger said...

Just watched the Westerns episode and they indeed covered The Wild, Wild West.