Blog-iversary, Double O Section:
One Year Old Today
Today, the Double O Section has been around for one year. It’s hard to believe! It’s been a good year for spies. When I started this blog, Casino Royale was looming on the horizon, and Daniel Craig was still an unknown quantity. The two-disc special edition Bond DVDs weren’t out yet. No seasons of Mission: Impossible existed on DVD! A lot’s changed, and it’s all been covered here. Many of those things I just mentioned figured heavily in my very first set of posts, a list of the seven top spy-related people or things on my mind a year ago. At the time, I vowed to do more such lists, but never really did. It might be a nice idea to do one a year, a sort of "state of the union of spying," but I don’t have another one prepared right now. Instead, over the next few days, I'll revisit that original list and check in on those people and things one year on...
Congratulations! I've just recently discovered your blog but it's already on my daily reading list. You're doing one hell of a job. Keep up the good work!
Happy Blogiversary. Love the site!
Congratulations. I don't know how many things would have slkipped under the radar without your dilligent eye.
Happy Birthday!
Thanks for all the good info and the support for LEFT ON MISSION.
Let the awesomeness continue!
Congrats. I'm really happy for you. I love this blog. You do such a great job with sharing info about spy entertainment. I've learned a lot here. All the best. Keep up the good work.
Thank you, everyone, for all the nice comments. I have fun doing this blog, and I'm glad to know people enjoy it.
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