Oct 5, 2012

New James Bond Documentary Everything or Nothing Airs Tonight

Everything or Nothing: The Untold Story of 007, the feature-length James Bond documentary celebrating 007's fiftieth anniversary that we first heard about back in January, debuts tonight in America on the HD channel EPIX. It's the main attraction in the celebration of Global James Bond Day. And you don't even need to subscribe to the cable channel to see the movie. If you have DISH, Cox, Verizon or Charter cable, then you can take advantage of the EPIX free preview weekend and watch Everything or Nothing on TV. (It premieres at 8pm tonight.) Otherwise, you can also sign up on their website for a free trial (you don't even have to enter credit card info), and watch the documentary online for free. EPIX have released a number of clips to give you a taste of what's in store:  


Delmo said...

Could not get it to work. You need to have the newest version of Flash and I can't get anything newer than 10.3 as I'm running OS 10.4 on my Mac.

Tanner said...

Oh no! I'm sorry to hear that, Delmo. I haven't tried yet myself, so I can't share my own experience. I'm eager to give it a try tomorrow though. Well, I'm sure it will be on DVD eventually...

Anonymous said...

@Delmo wow I remember having issues with 10.5...now i've gone hackintosh! i basically have my same harddrive from my crappy imac power pc on a sick tower now with intel and its crazy fast.

shonokin said...

works for me but they are no longer showing this movie.
It shows the splash page for it but says at the top
"This movie is not currently playing on EPIX"
Oh well, I'm sure a little digging will turn it up.